First Profession

Sr. Zarah Yabot, OP


Religious Profession is a deeper act of consecration to the Lord. When we receive the Sacrament of Baptism, we share to the kingly, priestly and prophetic mission of Jesus. In connection with this, according to the Constitutions of our Congregation, the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph, Chapter 8, #106 – By our profession, we dedicate ourselves to God and in the Congregation to follow the evangelical life in the footsteps of Christ, so that our baptismal consecration achieves to effect more completely. Furthermore, in our Directory, Chapter 8, # 84, it states that by Baptism, a person is consecrated to God but by profession of the evangelical counsels, she is more intimately consecrated to Divine Service.

Last October 30, 2023, it is indeed a great blessing that our dear Sr. Zarah Yabot, OP made her First Profession of Vows. She was inspired with the biblical words from the book of Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 41, Verse 13 – For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you. Do not fear; I will help you to continue to respond to the call of the Lord in religious life. The Eucharistic Celebration was presided by Rev. Fr. Narcisco Estrella, OP together with Rev. Fr. Flor Monico Cadiz. All of us who are present in this special occasion were encouraged by the inspiring Homily delivered by our dear brother in the Order, Fr. Nars. He said that every vocation comes from God, it is a call from the Lord to a life of holiness. He also encouraged us religious that even we are not worthy to be God’s servants but the grace of God is stronger for us to continue to be God’s instruments of goodness and love and to fulfil our mission in the Church.

We fervently pray that our Congregation will be blessed with more young women who are willing to offer their lives completely to God and serve His people.